So how many people out there have stuffed animals?? Well that's most of you. Now how many of you have animals that have noses that you can stick your finger in. I hope all of you have one, so today I went to a White Elephant and I got a giant Zebra named Fish (I named him), anyways, I notice that its a waste of fabric, and maybe there's a secret use of them like an finger WARMER!!! do you think?? I think its a definite possibility.  

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Ever had one of those days were you couldn't stop laughing?? Well they usually happen with your Bestie right? Yea I had one of those days with Milk but now After 2 days, my stomach is super sore and I hope you have days like that with your BFF.
Have a good day.

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You need to love your Bestie even though he or she does really weird things. When I was hanging out with Milk I found out that I have and weird obsession with pulling the tissue paper out of the box. I also found out that I love the sound of sparkling water after you shook it... it makes a nice shhhhhhkkkk sound. So at Milks house I would take a sparkling water and shake it then unscrew the cap and I laugh. Oh man. Good times. :)
so love your friend no matter what weird obsessions they have.

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This is my favorite quote ever!
This is a weird quote but its true! Don't you think??

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SO... you have already meet my BFF Milk. This blog will be about anything really. Mostly fun moments with Milk. And trust me they are fun and entertaining! Don't miss anything!

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