Okay, so I don't know if any of you out there are tomboys, but I am. I was a super tomboy when I was in, oh, let's say fourth and fifth grade. I wore guys shirts, played lots of sports, hated brushing my hair (I am ashamed (: ) and hung out with guys all the time. If you didn't know this about guys, they like bragging about how they hurt themselves or their scars. Preferably together. For example, if they got a really bad scar from cracking their head open during a skateboarding accident or something. Then another guy would say something like "Oh really? Well, I was helping my dad with the Christmas lights when I fell and broke my arm. They had to do surgery and I had a cast for...." Yada yada yada. I have to say, Cookie and I would do the same, as stupid as it sounds. Since this morning, I've got a major battle scar from my stupid cat, who, when falling off my bed, decided to use me as a stepping stone. I have cat claw marks almost from my wrist to my elbow. BEAT THAT! :) Just kidding, but seriously, it hurts. :) Haha, I'm such a dork. :) (But so is Cookie ...and the rest of my friends.....so....)
                ~Milk :{)
Okay, so the caption on the picture is hard to see but I love it so much! It says:
"God made us friends because He knew our parents wouldn't be able to handle us as sisters."
I love that so much! :) Haha, pretty true about me and some of my besties.
            ~Milk :{)
Recently we learned about the Periodic Table of Elements in science. Our teacher told us that Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. This quote made me laugh. :)

"The two most common elements are Hydrogen and stupidity."

Haha. So true! :)
         ~Milk :{)